Friday, February 29, 2008
One Takes a Stand for the Cafe...
My initial observation as I walked though the door was that I might have chosen an inopportune time to dine. The lines were terribly long, long enough to require a ten minute wait. I then realized, with the help of Jason and a few cowboy hats, that today was a special day. The cafeteria was giving free cobbler to people dressed up in cowboy/girl outfits. I quickly attributed the long lines to this singular occurrence.
Thinking about the day and deciding to abide by the Catholic traditions observed during lent, I decided what I would be ordering: Cornmeal Crusted Catfish. Upon reaching the front of the line, I quickly ordered my meal. My first thought while I was getting my food was that they had gotten it wrong. I saw the attendant slop some coleslaw-like substance into my to-go box. As soon as I saw this, I wondered how they could get it wrong, but soon enough I realized that it was coleslaw and it was included in the combo. Close call number two…
While waiting for Mintz, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted what looked to be melted cheese, and, sure enough, right next to it was broccoli. How could I pass up this opportunity? I didn’t. The next server graciously gave me the a side of broccoli covered in cheese with the most pleasant of smiles. I thought to myself: “How could people get this place so wrong?”
Upon returning to my desk, however, things turned for the worst. I opened my meal, hoping to find a delicious meal, ready to be eaten. I bit into the catfish only to find that it was fried all the way through. It was the crustiest fried fish I had ever eaten, and it only fell apart as I tried to cut it with my plastic knife. Similarly, the hush puppies served with the combo were as hard as rocks (“That’s what she said”) and unsatisfyingly dry. As I tried the coleslaw, I had nostalgic thoughts of lunches at the day care I used to attend at the young age of 4. I said to myself, “This is NASA, and they’re serving us food that a 2 year old doesn’t even like.” Hoping that the broccoli and cheese couldn’t fail, I quickly opened the container and dug in. CRAP. Cold food covered with cold cheese can only result in one thing: CRAP.
Soon enough, after realizing that around 3/4 of my meal was still sitting in front of me and I was still hungry, I knew everyone was right. There was no hope. There was only disappointment and hope that this day might have been “just one of those days” for the café.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Curly Fries Frenzy; or Running Riot of Curly Fries, if you will
No Roast Beef for you
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dr Pepper Debacle
Friday, February 22, 2008
Feb 21st Experience

Sunday, February 17, 2008
How it got Started
The premise of this blog is to document the satisfaction and more importantly the dissatisfaction that we, the JSC team, receive from our subpar, run of the mill, second-rate, middling cafeteria.
A string of events has lead to this blog’s establishment and it all comes down to a simple order of curly fries. Yes, curly fries.
Apparently curly fries are on a commonly high demand at the Johnson Space Center, because our cafeteria seems to always be out of them. Or so we are lead to believe. You see, 5 times in a row, I ordered curly fries to go with my scrumptulesant fried chicken tenders and sawmill gravy delight, but 5 times I was denied. Denied of their unique seasoning beyond the typical salt. Denied of their brilliant curl shapes that dance on the tongue. Denied of their bounty that satisfies the completeness of a fried meal. Denied happiness.
Did I get a warning I wouldn’t receive my curly fries? No. They never warn. They never warn. They only throw in regular fries and push you through the line. Push you through like you’re satisfaction is irrelevant. Sometimes they are actually out of fries, but sometimes they don’t want to share. Sometimes, I feel as if the cafeteria people keep the curly fries all to themselves. Sometimes I think they are eating my curly fries after I leave and that stings. It stings bad.
So let this blog be dedicated to the flight controllers with no curly fries. May they find justice and hope.